Solving Problems in the Stores and the Community
I never think of myself as "selling" shoes. I think of it as problem-solving. A customer visits our store or website, and we are there to help them find the thing that they need or want (hopefully both!). The majority of our customers come to us not just because we carry beautiful shoes, but because we take the time to address foot issues like bunions, wide or narrow feet and host of other problems most women develop. I see this philosophy of care enacted by our entire staff, and it makes me proud.
This mindset extends beyond just the sales floor. As a business, we are asked to contribute to dozens (if not hundreds) of causes a year; we are asked to help solve the bigger problems in our community. The donation we feel makes the greatest impact is the shoe contribution we make annually through our partnership with NAOT footwear. This month, we donated over 100 pairs of new men's and women's shoes to Bethesda Mission, in conjunction with fundraising for Greystone Derby Day, which took place on Saturday May 7th. As most of NAOT shoes are American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) approved, a new pair of shoes contributes to both the dignity and health of the recipients.
Our donation of 100 pairs of new men's and women's NAOT shoes go directly to Bethesda Mission where they are shared with members of the community that need them most.
In addition to helping those with the most need in our community, Andrea and I also wanted to give a hand-up to young women of promise who represent the next generation of women leaders as they pursue higher education. For the first year ever, we have committed to offering a yearly scholarship through Penn State Harrisburg to young women who are enrolled or who plan to enroll in the School of Business Administration with preference to students who are members of the Women in Technology Club and/or are pursuing a minor in Women's Studies.

Two talented young women--both named Sarah--were the inaugural recipients of the Plum Bottom scholarship. We recently had the pleasure of meeting both Sarah's and surprising them each with a new pair of shoes!
If If you feel inclined, click these links to contribute to Bethesda Mission or Plum Bottom's Penn State Scholarship fund.
We're looking forward to your visit in Camp Hill and Harrisburg so we can help YOU solve your footwear problems! Thank you for letting us serve you, and the community at large. We can't wait to see you!