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Thinking about your Unique Footwear Needs: Special Collections for Bunion Friendly, Arch Supports, Removable Footbeds, Narrow and Wide Widths

Thinking about your Unique Footwear Needs: Special Collections for Bunion Friendly, Arch Supports, Removable Footbeds, Narrow and Wide Widths

Hello Plum Bottom Friends!
We hope you continue to stay healthy and patient!
Despite the obvious challenges of running a retail store during this unprecedented time, we're choosing to focus on the positive and make plans for the future. In the coming weeks, when it becomes more clear as to when we will re-open, we'll announce our plans to keep our customers and staff safe. In the meantime, we are redoubling our efforts to make our website as user-friendly and enjoyable as possible. When we launched the website last fall, our goal was to create new customers from coast-to-coast. That's still our long-term goal. But for the time being, it's our lifeboat in the storm and we are so humbled by our local customers who continue to support us online!
On of the reasons it took us so long to sell from our website was our true belief that nothing replaces good customer service. Shoes are challenging to purchase online because every person's feet are unique. We take pride in identifying our customer's needs and having the expert knowledge to find just the right shoe. To address this on our website, we've added a Unique Needs collections. From here you can shop our Arch SupportBunion FriendlyNarrow WidthWide Width and Removable Footbed collections. Consider these collections as a starting point in your search for the perfect shoe. If you have any specific questions, we are always happy to provide our expert opinion. Email us at 
Last week we expanded our selection by adding leather jacketshandbags, sale pages and gift certificates to the website. If you haven't yet browsed those collections, take a look.
Another incredibly beneficial (and much appreciated) way to support us is to share with a friend! If everyone who reads this blog forwarded it to three friends near or far, it would have a tremendous and positive impact for Plum Bottom.
This weeks's featured local businesses have several commonalities. All three are woman owned businesses (our favorite kind!) and each has face masks for sale on their websites. Of course, that's not all they do. We hope you have fun exploring their various offerings, including Carla's favorite--yoga!
Stay strong, friends, and we'll see each other again soon! Thank you for sticking with us.
~Carla and Andrea
If you live near Carlisle, you might already know about this gem of a yoga studio. The good news is that those near and far can now take classes virtually--either live streaming or on-demand. Plus, owner Lena Hershey has been hand-making face masks which you can purchase online along with the rest of her studio swag.
Anahata logo
When the going got tough, owner Miranda Viehman got sewing! You can shop her online boutique for trendy new outfits or her handmade facemasks that can be ordered with or without filter pockets.
Can you think of someone who might appreciate a "Bag o' Sunshine"? You can brighten someone's day with small, simple pleasures that can include candles, chocolates, handmade soaps, tea and more. Each includes a handwritten note of encouragement. You can even choose to include a hand made face mask. Bags start at $16, making it an easy way to spread a little sunshine.
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